The management of the Sacco in response to emerging safe business opportunities, approached SASRA to advise on investing in Bufalo Plaza which was owed by Nyati Housing. SASRA however approved acquisition on the property instead. 

In order to avoid disrupting Sacco operations, the Sacco registered a Subsidiary company with a separate business entity wholly owned by the Sacco. The Sacco therefore used reserves to acquire the property from Nyati Housing and the same for Development. 

The process of construction of the office block at Nairobi west commenced last year in October 2022. The building is currently at 20% to completion. We intend to relocate by November 2023 as per the Plan. 

The Sacco will benefit from the following upon completion:

1. A permanent address with which to identify

2. Additional, adequate and suitable space for BOSA and FOSA services

4. Source of additional revenue to the membership 

5. May be used in the future as collateral for bargaining with service providers

We encourage each member at your convenient time to visit the site and see the progress.


Nairobi west and Langata roundabout next to West Lerruat Hotel.

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Denounce with righteous indignation and dislike men who are beguiled and demoralized by the charms pleasure moment so blinded desire that they cannot foresee the pain and trouble.