Our Members Financially

Our Members Financially
Our Products & Services
Save, borrow, and invest
with Nyati Sacco.

FOSA Services
FOSA (Front Office Services Activity) is a SACCO product that offers basic banking services like those offered by commercial banks however, we are not a clearing agent…

BOSA Services
Back Office Services Activity (BOSA) enables a member to make deposits and access credit services. The deposits are non-withdrawable…

Nyati Sacco Housing Cooperative
Nyati Housing Cooperative Society is a sister company of Nyati Sacco that offers affordable housing solutions to its members. The society has a wide range of…
Who We Are
Building financial security for Kenyans for over 45 years.
Nyati Savings and Credit Cooperative Society was registered in 1977 under the Cooperatives Societies Act by G4S Kenya Limited. The Sacco draws membership from the diaspora, individuals, Business people, spouses of members, registered groups and corporates on a non-check-off arrangement. Currently, Nyati Sacco has a membership of 33,007
Our mission: To Improve socio-economic well-being of our stakeholders by providing diverse and cost-efficient financial services.
Our Vision: To be the preferred Sacco of excellence.
Our Vision: To be the preferred Sacco of excellence.
Active Members.
Total Sacco Assets.
Loan Portfolio.
We offer a wide range of financial products and services to help you achieve your goals.
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News & Articles
Nyati DT SACCO climbs to Tier 1
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