Who can join Nyati Sacco?
- Employees from organizations that have a check-off agreement with the Sacco.
- Employees of any other organization as may be approved by the board.
- All former employees of companies with check-off agreement with the Sacco.
- Employees of Nyati Sacco.
- Business entities and individuals in business
How do I become a member of Nyati Sacco Society?
- Fill in a membership application form that can be downloaded from our website or obtained from our offices or from delegates countrywide.
- Copy of the National ID card, KRA pin copy, and 2 coloured passport photos.
- Entry fee is Ksh.500.
- Minimum monthly deposit is Ksh.1800.
- Benevolent ksh.240 per month
- Minimum share capital is Ksh.30,000 by 2026.
How does the Sacco Insurance/Benevolent work?
- The insurance covers members savings, loan and pays for last expense.
- In the event of death of a member, the deposits are doubled and the outstanding loans are written off.
- The insurance also cover burial expenses of the deceased member ksh.100,000 , spouse Ksh.70,000 and Child ksh.50,000.
- For a member to be able to get compensation, the family members should avail the following documents: the Burial Permit, Certificate of Death and Identification Card.
What is share capital?
- This is the money invested in the Sacco by the members. It is a long-term source of finance it represents a unit of ownership. All Saccos are required by law to have minimum share capital. In Nyati Sacco the minimum is Ksh.30,000 paid in installments.
- This fund is used to cushion against any loss that may be incurred by the Sacco in the future and therefore cannot be withdrawn but only transferable when a member ceases membership.
What are deposits?
- This is monthly savings made to the Sacco by the members and is non- withdrawable except in complete termination of membership or upon death.
- Deposits act as loan security.
When does a member become eligible for a loan?
- A member becomes eligible after a minimum membership period of three months.
- One must have a minimum deposit of at least Ksh.5000 and on fulfilling all requirements of a specific loan product.
- Loans are given up to 4 times members deposits.
- Loans more than one’s deposits will require guarantors.
What should I have when applying for a loan?
- Fully completed loan application form.
- Sufficient number of guarantors (depends on loan type).
- Employee pay slips (latest 3 pay slips).
- A copy National ID.
- Copy of ATM card.
How long will my loan take before disbursement?
After receiving all the required documents, the following shall be the SLA
- Cash advance and Emergency are quickly processed and disbursed within 24 hours.
- School fees and other short-term loans to be disbursed within 3 days.
- All long term loans disbursed within one week.
How often do you provide statements to members?
We send e-statement every month on 15th to members registered emails.
On demand statements can be given anytime. However, member can also view their statement by logging into the member online portal from the website
How does the 2/3 Rule work?
While granting loans, the members Gross Salary is considered and the SACCO is expected to utilize a maximum of 2/3rd of the net salary thereby leaving the member with a take home pay of not less than 1/3rd.
How are elections conducted?
The SACCO has a delegate’s system of representation. The Delegates represent up a maximum of 150 members. And are elected annually. The branches act as electoral areas. The elected delegates then meet every year in an Annual General Meeting where they elect 9 and 3 into the Management and Supervisory Committees respectively. All SACCO elections are presided over by the Ministry of Industrialization and Enterprise Development
Where else has the SACCO invested its funds?
The SACCO has invested in Co-operative bank shares, CIC Shares, KUSCCO shares, Treasury Bill and Bonds but in a small scale. The major investment is in member’s loans.
How can I withdraw from the Sacco?
- Exiting members are required to put their withdrawal requests in writing.
- Ensure that all loans are fully paid. Only retirees and those not in employment are allowed to offset using deposits .
- Withdrawal is subject to clearance of all Sacco liabilities
- Seek alternative guarantors for all loans guaranteed by you
- A waiting period of sixty days is required in case of any refunds
How do I get my Sacco Deposit refund after withdrawing from the society?
Deposits refund take up to after 60 days upon receipt of your withdrawal letter, settling of all liabilities and provision of alternative guarantors for all loans guaranteed by you.
After withdrawing from the society, am I allowed rejoining?
Yes, one can re-join the soonest he/she is ready upon payment of a rejoining fee.
If I resign/retires from employment, can I continue to be a member?
Yes, one can continue being a member as long as they continue remitting SACCO deductions. Remittance can be done for both deposit and loan repayment by placing a standing order at the bank or making monthly cash deposits.
How safe are the members deposits held by the SACCO?
The Board and Management are managing the Sacco as per the Co-operative societies ACT, Rules and Sacco by –Laws. The Sacco has implemented the use of Corporate Governance and Code of Ethics hence stability is guaranteed. The Sacco also holds AGM’S yearly where reports and accounts are presented to the member